So… I published a book!

Man, I haven’t blogged here in absolutely ages! But, I do have some exciting news, I’m now a published author! Yesterday, I took a leap of faith and published my book, Hello World onto Amazon Kindle!

You can purchase the book for only £2.56! And I would really appreciate it if you did since the book sold so far is to my cat 😉

Hello World cover 4
Grief.That’s all Neve can think about, it is the only thing she is really certain about. It dominates her life. Depressed and tormented by an unknown source, Neve is struggling to hold onto her life, until mysterious new boy Jay turns up and sets off a series of unforgettable events.

But everyone has secrets. Jay’s aren’t dirty secrets though. He won’t break your heart or turn his back on you, he won’t stab you in the back or laugh in your face. No, what Jay keeps hidden is ten times worse and slowly killing him from the inside out.

Jay is determined to save Neve from herself and show her what living really means. Neve is determined not to. After all, how many times can your heart break before it becomes unfixable?

So go on, I know you want too 😉

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